PDF 2 Image

With Aloaha it is also possible to convert a PDF back to Image files. You need to make sure that you use an Aloaha Enterprise license.

Please see the sample below:

dim inputfile
dim outputfile
dim i

inputfile =”\\linkstation\share\GV-cards01.pdf”
outputfile =”\\linkstation\share\GV-cards01-”

set pdf = createobject(“aloahapdf.edit”)

if pdf.load_pdf_to_mem(cstr(inputfile)) = true then 

     for i = 1 to pdf.TotalPages 

          CALL pdf.export_page(cstr(outputfile+cstr(i)+”.bmp”), clng(i), clng(300)) 


end if

call pdf.unload_pdf_from_mem

set pdf = nothing