PDF Autoprint Folder

Aloaha Autoprint Folder

The Aloaha Autoprint Folder is a great feature to automate PDF generation or hard-copy production of existing PDF Documents. Per default it is the folder autoprint in your installation folder.

The Autoprint folder is available in all PDF Suite SERVER editions!

In case you own our Enterprise/SDK License you can also use our Print API directly

NON PDF Documents

Every NON PDF Document dropped into the Aloaha Autoprint Folder will be automatically printed with the default windows printing handle to the default Windows printer. If this Printer is an Aloaha monitored Printer (such as the Aloaha PDF Printer) the job will be automatically converted to PDF.
The default Windows printing handler can be re-configured by filetype in HKCU\Software\Aloaha\pdf\autoprint and/or HKLM\Software\Aloaha\pdf\autoprint.

PDF Documents

Every PDF Document dropped into the autoprint folder will be printed by the Aloaha PDF Printing Engine to the printer configured as hardcopy printer in Aloaha. If that printer is not configured the default printer will be used. Full Duplex printing can be enabled/disabled with HKLM\Software\Aloaha\pdf\PrintDuplex. Valid values for PrintDuplex are 0, 1 or 2.

It is also possible to apply a letterhead to the PDF files to be printed. Just open the letterhead dialog and enable “Use letterhead for autoprint folder”.

Autoprint Command

It is also possible to embed the automation command autoprint into your PDF. Aloaha will copy the generated document automatically to the autoprint directory!


It is possible to create subdirectories in the autoprint folder. These directories must have the same name as the hardcopy printer to be used. For example if you create a subdirectory hp500 every PDF dropped here will be printed to the hp500 printer connected to your system. In case you have to use network printer please put the server name in brackets before the name. For example \\gate\hp500 would translate into (gate)hp500.

Registry Settings

In some cases it is required that a PDF dropped into the autoprint folder should be printed incl. a letterhead. In that case please point HKLM\Software\Aloaha\pdf\autoprint\LetterHead to a PDF file which should be used as Letterhead.

HKLM\Software\Aloaha\pdf\autoprint\RenderLetterHead must be set to “1” to enable this feature!

By default Aloaha uses its own inbould PDF printing engine to send PDF printouts to the hardcopy printer. In some cases it might be required to use the Adobe Reader as the print engine. To enable this feature please set in the registry HKLM\Software\Aloaha\PDF\ForceAdobePrint to “1” (String). The Aloaha Process needs to be restarted afterwards.

For the autoprint folder to work Aloaha has to be configured in non interactive mode (Server Mode)!