The Aloaha #Blockchain can solve a lot of eGovernment requirements.
eID / Authentication
The most important topic for eGovernment Services is authentication or e-ID Services. A lot has been tried the past years from username / password to smartcards. Nothing has really been accepted by the citizen.
With the double encrypted database in the Aloaha Blockchain User can securely maintain their personal data while at the same time giving rights of who can access the data. The Government at the same time could validate and approve the data.
For example like in our sample here:
Data Demo User 1 (enter any password)
Data Demo User 2 (enter any password)
Once you updated your personal data you can confirm with “Update to Blockchain“. Optionally the data can be validated and confirmed by a 3rd party.
Kindly note that we included the private key in the URL to make the demo easier. In real life that is obviously not included.
eForms, Authentication and Payments
Government services usually contain a large amount of eForms. For example created with our eForm Provider. Such forms can authenticate the user with his Blockchain credentials and pre-fill form fields with the data received from the Blockchain based eID Database.
Demo Form User 1 (enter any password)
Demo Form User 2 (enter any password)
Form field content which has been received from the eID Blockchain Database is automatically pre-filled into the form and the form field is marked as read-only.
With the Up- and Download Button the user can save other fields to his database in the Blockchain or retrieve formerly saved data. Like that filling of form fields becomes much easier.
With a click on the “V” Button the user can quickly pay the form fees. Kindly note that as soon the transaction field contains data the “V” button is disabled to avoid double spending.
Payments could also be connected to our e-Invoicing Solution ZUGFeRD / XInvoice. More details on http://www.zugferdpro.com.
On submission the data of the form field is digitally signed with the private key of the user and the signature is embedded as property into the resulting PDF.
Signatures, etc can also be rendered as QR Code as shown in the following samples: