Vertrauen in digitale Transaktionen mit dem CodeB Signatur Server

Der CodeB Signature Server revolutioniert digitale Transaktionen durch höchste Sicherheit. Mit Unterstützung für Identitätskarten wie die maltesische ID-Karte und deutsche Gesundheitskarten ermöglicht er die einfache Anwendung qualifizierter elektronischer Signaturen (QES), die Dokumente rechtsgültig und fälschungssicher machen.

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How to Sign PDFs with Your National Identity Card: A Complete Guide

Learn to sign PDFs using the Maltese NFC ID Card & CodeB Authenticator App for secure, qualified electronic signatures, verified by Adobe Reader.

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Easy Signing with CodeB Mobile Document Signer

Easily sign PDFs with CodeB Mobile Document Signer. Upload, use QR Code, sign with NFC cards like Maltese ID or German HBA. Quick & secure!

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Mobile Identities / eIDAS Token and Aloaha eForms Server

Integrate CodeB’s Mobile Identities into Aloaha eForms for robust eForm authentication and electronic signing, with a user-friendly design.

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Digital Signatures Now Part of “CodeB TOTP SMS”

At CodeB, we’re elated to present a novel addition to our popular “CodeB TOTP SMS” application – mobile digital signatures. Going beyond the realms of traditional text messaging, we have fused advanced SMS security with an inbuilt Time-based One-Time Password…

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