ToSign watched Folder
The Aloaha “tosign” watched folder is to be used to apply fully automatic digital signatures to existing PDF documents. Every document dropped into this folder will be digitally signed according to the digital signature settings of the Aloaha PDF Suite.
Please note that the Aloaha PDF Suite Server Pro Edition is required! You can request an evaluation key from
The default path of this folder is <program files 86>\aloaha\tosign
If needed this location can be changed in the registry:
HKCU\Software\Aloaha\pdf\signfolder (user based setting)
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Aloaha\pdf\signfolder (global setting)
Processed files will be saved in sub directories called done/failed and original.
It is possible to re-define the done directory in the registry. Just set the path of the done folder to be used in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Aloaha\pdf\MasterDoneFolder or HKCU\Software\Aloaha\pdf\MasterDoneFolder.
It is also possible to instruct Aloaha NOT to keep the original files. Just set HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Aloaha\pdf\DoNotKeepOriginal or HKCU\Software\Aloaha\pdf\DoNotKeepOriginal to “1”.
Multiple Certificate Support of watched signature folder
It might be necessary that different certificates have to be used to sign the documents. In that case it would not be acceptable for the use to change the signature settings every time. Aloaha caters for these cases as well.
Just create per certificate to be used a subfolder in “tosign”. The name of the subfolder must be the serial number of the certificate used in that folder without spaces.
For example folder <program files>\aloaha\tosign\61370dcf00000000000a will always sign the documents using the certificate with the serial number 61 37 0d cf 00 00 00 00 00 0a
In case you need to access a nativesupported SmartCard please use as serial number 0 for the first card reader, 1 for the second etc
Please note that in case you use several card readers and one card reader gets disconnected Windows re-numbers the readers! To make sure that Aloaha signs only if in Cardreader 3 there is the card with certificate X please enter in the tosign.ini section [2] the following line: RequiredCertificateSerial=08 15
Since SmartCards usually ask for a PIN number it makes mass signatures via CSP in some cases quite unusable. For these cases please use our native supported cards and contact our technical support on how to cache the PIN.
It is also possible to use PFX Files for the autosign features. PFX Files MUST NOT be protected by a password and must be located in the pfxdir subdirectory. The subdirectory to be created in tosign MUST carry the same name as the PFX file. For example test.pfx.
In case you need a digital certificate you can use our FREE Aloaha Certificate Generator!
Should you have some questions please do not hesitate to contact us via the form below:
[contact-form-7 id=”7″ title=”Contact Aloaha Limited”]