Merge 2 PDF (Letterhead/Stationary)

The Aloaha PDF SDK function merge_A_and_B merges 2 PDF files together. This important function can be used to apply letterheads to existing PDF documents.

Please have a look at the sample below:

dim pdf
dim filea ‘inputfile
dim fileb ‘page 1 of filea will be rendered over fileb
dim outputfile ‘filea and outputfile could be the same

set pdf=createobject(“aloahapdf.edit”)

‘if last boolean is set to false only first page of filea will be rendered
Call pdf.merge_A_and_B(cstr(filea), cstr(fileb), cstr(outputfile, False)

set pdf=nothing


The registry key HKLM\Software\Aloaha\pdf\LayeredPDFLetterhead defines if only one or several PDF Layers are used. The key HKLM\Software\Aloaha\pdf\PDFLetterHeadLayer defines the PDF Layer to be used for the Letterhead.

In case you want to apply a letterhead / stationary via hotfolder please have a look here: