If you are using our object aloahapdf.edit in old 32 bit code and you are planning to upgrade to “Any” or “64 Bit” you need to do the following steps:
- Upgrade Aloaha to a recent Build (minimum Version 6.0.143) for example from http://www.aloaha.com/download/aloaha_pdf.zip
- Make sure you have a valid Aloaha SDK License Key
- Use the code below to load our aloahapdf.edit in your code
Dim License as string
Dim editclass As Object
Dim oop As Object
‘Make sure you use a valid license key!
oop = CreateObject(“AloahaSimplePDF_OOP.simpleEdit”)
editclass = oop.PDFEditClass(cstr(License))
Now you can continue using editclass the same way as you did with aloahapdf.edit