How do I load Aloaha PDF SDK Library in 64 Bit code?

If you are using our object aloahapdf.edit in old 32 bit code and you are planning to upgrade to “Any” or “64 Bit” you need to do the following steps:

  1. Upgrade Aloaha to a recent Build (minimum Version 6.0.143) for example from
  2. Make sure you have a valid Aloaha SDK License Key
  3. Use the code below to load our aloahapdf.edit in your code

Dim License as string
Dim editclass As Object
Dim oop As Object

‘Make sure you use a valid license key!

oop = CreateObject(“AloahaSimplePDF_OOP.simpleEdit”)
editclass = oop.PDFEditClass(cstr(License))

Now you can continue using editclass the same way as you did with aloahapdf.edit